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Core Competitiveness

Core Competitiveness 1

FDA-approved Technology

Development of CentLoc, an artificial knee joint that combines biomechanical and ergonomic technologies

Obtained FDA approval

Quality stability has been confirmed by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

  1. Key Technology 1


  2. Key Technology 2

    modeling technology

  3. Key Technology 3

    Precision casting and
    precision machining technology

  4. Key Technology 4

    Surface polishing
    treatment technology

Core Competitiveness 2

- Research Capabilities

Development team andadvisory group of domestic and overseas professional doctors

Product development is carried out in consultation with professional doctors in order to reflect market needs.

Clinical validation of new products is done at affiliated hospitals.

Shareholders and developers

Corporate research center

The Director of the Corporate Research Centeris a former national university professor with field experience (Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering).

The Center is led by researchers with 20 to 30 years of field experience in related fields.

We have established a collaboration system for immediately reflecting market needs through consultationwith domestic and overseas advisory groups.


Joint product development

Utilization of testing equipment

Joint performance of government projects

- 3D Simulation program design

Ergonomic 3D design by top domestic and overseas medical staff and national university professors

Mechanical Performance Validation Test

Core Competitiveness 3

- Differentiated Process

We have securedcompetitive advantage in productivity, cost reduction, and quality through the establishment of a batch process line.
  • Precision processing

  • Grinding

  • Inspection

  • Sterilization, cleaning, and packaging

Core Competitiveness 4

- Customer Network

High customer loyalty through cooperation with multiple hospitals participating as product developers

Easy entry into overseas markets utilizing overseas affiliated companies and overseas advisory group networks

  • University hospitals

    Major university hospitals
    (Improved product

  • Special hospitals

    Domestic special hospitals
    (Sales expansion)

  • Distributors

    National distributors
    (Establishment of a
    national sales network)

  • Overseas markets

    Hold US-affiliated companies

    Hospitals of overseas

    development participants
    Established networks in 5 countries

Core Competitiveness 5

- Differentiated Customer Service

In addition to maintaining high product quality, orthopedic devices such asartificial joints require various instruments needed for surgery.

We seek to differentiate customer services by acquiringmanufacturing technology, producing products, and providing them to surgical sites.

Advantages of Our Surgical Instruments

Convenience: Designs that maximize user convenience

Diversity: Various options available

Promptness: Immediate provision to domestic surgery sites through inventory management

Variability: Immediate modification and production of products to suit the needs of each surgical site through domestic manufacturing